
Reflections on International Women's Day 2020

A member of AspenTech's Women's Leadership Forum shares her thoughts on the importance of International Women's Day and conversations about diversity in the workplace.


Reliability Counts, in the Wilderness and in the Refinery!

A jetboat trip in Canada's Hudson Bay serves as a good reminder of how important the reliability of your equipment is.


Resilience and Your Digitalization Strategy

Digital tools can equip businesses to respond to unprecedented change. Learn how digitalization can boost resilience.


The Value of Performance Engineering

Performance engineering is all about pushing the boundaries of existing concepts, designs and asset constraints to create new higher performing designs and operations. Learn how it works.


Retos en sustentabilidad para la Industria en Latinoamérica

La sustentabilidad es un objetivo clave para la Industria en Latinoamérica estos son algunos de los retos e iniciativas.


Rompa la barrera de lo que es posible con Aspen Hybrid Models

El lanzamiento de Aspen Hybrid Models dentro de la nueva versión de software V12 da un paso adelante para las industrias de Oil & Gas, midstream, downstream, petroquímicos y químicos especializados.


Scaling Digitalization Across the Downstream Organization

Choosing the right technology for your digitalization effort matters, but other factors are just as important in ensuring long-term success.


The Science of Maintenance Will Revolutionize Asset Management

Find out how the science of maintenance enables accurate identification of asset failure signatures in near real time — and how it could make unplanned shutdowns a thing of the past.


Thriving in the "New Normal" Requires the Self-Optimizing Plant

Giving your operation greater resilience, flexibility and agility has never been more important. Achieve it all by creating the Self-Optimizing Plant, which combines AI, industry-specific models and domain expertise to deliver new levels of performance.


S'épanouir dans la "Nouvelle Normalité" Nécessite une Usine Auto-Optimisée

Nous entendons beaucoup parler de la "nouvelle normalité" et de ce que cela impliquera, mais le fait est que nous ne savons pas vraiment à quoi ressemblera cette prochaine phase. Elle est encore définie par les conditions sanitaires mondiales, la politique internationale, l'évolution des réglementations et la situation générale de l'économie. C'est une grande incertitude qui nous assaille à grande échelle.

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