
Don’t Rely on the “Check Engine” Light

Ready to move beyond outdated traditional maintenance practices? Harness the power of prescriptive analytics for the earliest warnings of failure.


APM and Industrial AI Bring Untapped Value to Food and Beverage Manufacturing

APM technology, predictive and prescriptive analytics, and AI play a large role for the food and beverage processing industry, driving positive results and sustained growth.





Edge Computing or an Intelligent Edge?

See what defines an intelligent edge and why it's more than just edge computing.


Eliminating Equipment Downtime and Driving Process Improvements

Imagine a scenario where everyone involved in a process agrees on the best course of action based on facts vs. assumptions. Unlock the benefits of multivariate analytics with AspenTech APM solutions.



2019年1月15至16日,艾斯本公司在北京成功举办Aspen HYSYS® 软件在中国的首次用户认证培训,并于17日开展认证考试,共有69名来自中国某重要客户的工程师参与此次认证考试。 艾斯本用户认证为客户提供了一种标准的、结构化的方法,帮助客户衡量自己的专业能力并设定学习目标。该认证结合了行业的和标准化考试的最佳实践,由艾斯本专家设计而来。


Enabling the Future Digital Enterprise

For chemical and oil companies worldwide, digital capabilities will be critical to keep them flourishing in an increasingly global market. The challenge is how to channel all of their data into increased revenue and margin.


Ensuring Economic Resiliency in the Upstream Oil and Gas, Chemicals and Refining Sectors

As companies move to cut capital spending, how can they be sure they’re making the right decisions in a volatile environment? Today’s advanced technology offers an answer.


The Importance of Process Safety

Joe Bretch of Chevron shares some key learnings he has picked up working at refineries, onshore and offshore facilities, LNG facilities and gas plants.


Solución a cuellos de botella en la producción de gas usando un gemelo digital

Conozca cómo YPFB Andina integró y optimizó su producción en Upstream de gas usando un gemelo digital

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