Case Study

US Railway Saves Millions by Preventing Line of Road Failures

A major transportation company responsible for delivering customer goods on time, safely and reliably, was plagued by catastrophic failures of locomotives that had gone undetected by its current reliability techniques. Using Aspen Mtell to examine data from engine lube oil samples, a leading U.S. railway was able to save millions of dollars.

Case Study

Westlake Chemical Improves Reaction Time from Hours to Minutes

Learn how Westlake assesses time sensitive supply chain opportunities, such as accepting a modified customer order, in a matter of minutes using Aspen Plant Scheduler rather than four hours using previous spreadsheet methods.

Case Study

Production Optimization of Natural Gas Pipelines & Field Production Facilities Using Performance Engineering

Learn how YPFB Andina was able to increase their gas production using an integrated model solution that was able to provide a $280M increase in revenue in 1 year.

Case Study

Optimización de la producción en transporte e instalaciones de producción de gas natural con una solución integral de ingeniería

Aprenda cómo YPFB Andina aumentó su producción de gas utilizando una solución de modelo integrado que proporcionó un aumento en las ganancias por $ 280 millones en 1 año.

Case Study

Global Supermajor Deploys Aspen PIMS-AO™ Globally

This case study details the methodical approach a global supermajor took, utilizing best-in-class technology, to improve production planning in global refineries and chemical plants with Aspen PIMS-AO technology. Based on side-by-side testing of different technologies, Aspen PIMS-AO led to new insights, increased confidence in results and enhanced conversations with traders.

Executive Brief

自己最適化プラント:産業用AIが支える 新時代の自律性



Executive Brief

Une Entreprise qui s'Auto-Optimise : Une Nouvelle Ère d'Autonomie, Propulsée par l'IA Industrielle

Alors que nous nous adaptons à la "nouvelle norme" de volatilité extrême, d'incertitude, de complexité et d'ambiguïté, les entreprises du monde entier reconnaissent la nécessité d'exploiter leurs actifs et leurs chaînes de distribution avec une plus grande résilience, flexibilité et agilité afin de pouvoir répondre aux conditions changeantes du marché.

Executive Brief

Predictive Maintenance Takes on Operational Risk

In today's volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) global market, everything is changing — and in production environments, change means increased risk. How can capital-intensive organizations minimize their risk, especially when insurance coverage is less readily available?

Executive Brief



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