Case Study

Hitachi Zosen Case Study

ACM is extremely powerful in reducing engineering time by up to 30% for new and novel processes.

Case Study

Leaks in Reboiler Detected With Months of Advance Notice

Learn how a manufacturer of engineering thermoplastics discovered the root cause of recurring failures in their shell-and-tube reboilers using Aspen Mtell prescriptive maintenance.

Case Study

Leading Refiner Reduces Planning Run Times from Hours to Minutes and Finds Profitable Solutions

Learn how this world leader in refining reduced planning runtime from 30 hours to 90 minutes, making the process 95% faster and allowing them to respond to market changes much faster.

Case Study

Lubrizol社Aspen Plus®活用事例 プロセス開発時間の短縮

Lubrizol社がどのようにAspen Plus を活用し、包括的にプロセス開発を行い、短期市場投入を実現しているか事例をご紹介します。

Case Study

LG Chem Significantly Increases Plant Capacity and Reduces Energy Usage

LG Chem increases capacity by 15% and saves energy through heat integration using Aspen Plus®, Aspen Energy Analyzer, and Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating

Case Study

Marathon Petroleum Corporation Upgrades Refineries to Full Refinery Scheduling with Aspen Petroleum Scheduler™

Discover how Marathon Petroleum Corporation (MPC) used Aspen Petroleum Scheduler (APS) to develop a single cradle-to-grave barrel tracking system. Once MPC started using APS, they could provide operations with better targets on unit rates and reduce the number of operational changes that were made by 70%. This allowed the process units to spend more time on a stable operation.

Case Study

Multivariate Statistical Analysis Finds Cause of Quench Oil High-Viscosity Issue

One of the world's largest chemical, plastic and refining companies used Aspen ProMV to understand and resolve production problems caused by an ongoing quench oil high-viscosity issue. In this case study, learn how Aspen ProMV enabled the company to highlight the top process variables highly correlated with viscosity issues, and quickly guided process engineers to the underlying issue to limit losses.

Case Study

Multivariate Statistical Analysis Finds the Bad Actors in Light Component Losses

This petrochemical company launched an Aspen ProMV™ pilot project to investigate light component losses that go to the bottom of a fractionation column and pressurize the downstream column. Using Aspen ProMV for continuous processes, a model was developed, and bad actors that are highly correlated to the light product loss were identified. Aspen ProMV’s optimization tool was also utilized to provide better operating conditions to reduce losses.

Case Study

Multivariate Statistical Analysis Finds the Bad Actors in Out-of-Spec Batches

Learn how a large producer of synthetic rubber used Aspen ProMV to identify the cause of ongoing quality issues with its batch products. Download the case study to read how Aspen ProMV uncovered the variables that correlated most with batch quality, resolving production problems faster to limit losses.

Case Study

Mine Moves from Calendar-based to Prescriptive Maintenance with Aspen Mtell

When one of the world’s largest fully integrated zinc and lead smelting and refining complexes wanted to improve their metallurgical operations, the company turned to Aspen Mtell® prescriptive maintenance.

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