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Refining reliability and the opportunity of big data

Refining reliability and the opportunity of big data

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AI (Artificial Intelligence) Projects: Where to Start?

Forbes-AI Projects Where to Start

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It Takes an Ecosystem: Digital Transformation in the Chemical Industry

Forbes-It Takes An Ecosystem Digital Transformation in the Chemical Industry

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Q&A with AspenTech's Tim Niziol - AspenTech’s IMOS solution for the refining and marketing industry

Q&A with AspenTech's Tim Niziol - AspenTech’s IMOS solution for the refining and marketing industry

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Future proof your assets with digital twinning-The Evolving Enterprise

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Leveling downstream process bottlenecks - alternatives to traditional unit operations are now available to alleviate very real logjams

Leveling downstream process bottlenecks - alternatives to traditional unit operations are now available to alleviate very real logjams

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Petrochem firms must adopt new techniques

Petrochem firms must adopt new techniques

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Effiiciency and resources - the twin benefits of energy management

Effiiciency and resources - the twin benefits of energy management

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