Aspen Connect

Aspen Edge Connect links stranded assets, enterprise MES and data lakes to save time wrangling data, leverage MQTT protocol and maximize ROI.

White Paper

The Digital Twin and the Smart Enterprise

Across the globe, leading organizations are embracing and implementing advanced digital technologies. The digital transformation journey will change the nature of asset intensive industries, particularly the energy and chemicals businesses. In that context, digital twins — virtualized copies of physical assets and their operating behaviors — will play key roles. For the digital twins we create today, a key concept is the power of AI in providing insight and advice against the virtual data. Download this white paper to learn about these essential keys to your digital twin strategy:

White Paper




Blacks Swans and Gray Rhinos: Building Future Resilience

As all companies have been challenged by the current economic and health crisis, the successful recovery requires a new view toward future development and growth with metrics that consider broad and more long-term goals. Featured in Hydrocarbon Processing, AspenTech’s Paige Morse shares considerations for building future resiliency that center around digitalization.


AspenONE MES Software Converts Data into Value for Operational Excellence

LOTTE Advanced Materials was looking for a tool that would convert data into value to drive operational excellence. In this ARC Advisory Group article, read how LOTTE chose AspenTech’s aspenONE Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) software to transform digitally, and build a robust data analytics platform. Now, LOTTE is able to lock in a visionary software implementation roadmap to optimize business processes and operations.





Successfully Executing Digitalization and Sustainability Initiatives

Industry is adopting AI/ML tools to find new ways to execute, become more efficient and increase value from assets in response to market changes.

Specialty Chemicals


Production Optimization for Commodity Polymers

Close the gap between planning and execution by improving asset utilization and ensuring efficient and sustainable manufacturing processes.

Production Optimization for Olefins

AspenTech's energy production optimization solution helps refineries and petrochemical plants increase performance and your profit margins. Watch our webinar now.

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