
The Power of Diverse Ideas: A Report From Saudi Arabia

The 2020 International Petroleum Technology Conference in Dhahran, KSA featured some of the pioneering women of the petroleum industry.


Thriving in the "New Normal" Requires the Self-Optimizing Plant

Giving your operation greater resilience, flexibility and agility has never been more important. Achieve it all by creating the Self-Optimizing Plant, which combines AI, industry-specific models and domain expertise to deliver new levels of performance.


S'épanouir dans la "Nouvelle Normalité" Nécessite une Usine Auto-Optimisée

Nous entendons beaucoup parler de la "nouvelle normalité" et de ce que cela impliquera, mais le fait est que nous ne savons pas vraiment à quoi ressemblera cette prochaine phase. Elle est encore définie par les conditions sanitaires mondiales, la politique internationale, l'évolution des réglementations et la situation générale de l'économie. C'est une grande incertitude qui nous assaille à grande échelle.


To Stay Ahead of Equipment Problems, You Need Anomaly and Failure Detection

The first in a series of posts on key factors to consider in selecting asset performance management solutions.


Top Five Tips to Get the Most out of Aspen eLearning

Follow these hints to learn the skills that matter most in your job and discover how to use the latest features in AspenTech software!


Tres tipos de machine learning impulsan el poder de los datos

Genere el máximo impacto en su negocio al elegir el tipo de Machine Learning adecuado para su organización


Troubleshooting Acid Gas Column Convergence – Part 1

Learn how to use Aspen HYSYS to troubleshoot acid gas columns, especially initialization failures.


Turning Sustainability Challenges into Award-Winning Results

AspenTech and FPCO win 2020 Supply and Demand Chain Executives Green Supply Chain Award. FPCO's reduced CO2 emissions and waste provide sustainable results.

Press Release

Latest aspenONE® Version 10.1 Software Release Introduces Aspen Operator Training

Latest aspenONE Version 10-1 Software Release Introduces Aspen Operator Training


Leading North American Energy Company Upgrades to aspenONE® V7

AspenTech Helps Customer Integrate Engineering with Operations to Achieve Operational Excellence Objectives

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