



Preparing for Paris

Digitalization is essential to supporting corporate sustainability goals given the renewed global focus on energy consumption, carbon reduction and efficiency.


Preventing Mistakes in Refinery and Olefins Planning

One planning mistake can cost your company millions of dollars. Find out how AspenTech products enable you to find best solution every time.


Prosperar en la "nueva normalidad" requiere una planta auto-optimizable

Alcanzar mayor resiliencia, flexibilidad y agilidad en sus operaciones nunca había sido tan importante. Consígalo todo creando la planta Auto-Optimizable, que combina IA y modos específicos de la industria.


Push the Boundary of What's Possible with Aspen Hybrid Models™

The release of Aspen Hybrid Models in our V12 software release provides a major step forward for oil and gas, midstream, refining, petrochemicals and specialty chemicals.


Put on Your “IIoT Goggles” to See What Connectivity Can Really Deliver

Because most of us are newbies to IIoT projects, it’s important to have the right information to make the best decisions. Here’s what you should focus on.


¿Qué es la IA? Un panorama general “desde los 10,000 pies”

Todos sabemos que la Inteligencia Artificial está preparada para transformar una amplia gama de industrias. Pero seguramente se han preguntado: ¿qué es exactamente la IA?


The Power of aspenONE® Engineering in the Cloud

aspenONE Engineering V10 software is available for cloud deployment, lowering total cost of ownership and enabling engineers to access the latest software anytime, anywhere.


Raise Your Hand: Women’s Leadership Forum Sponsors Roundtable

AspenTech's Women's Leadership Forum hosted a roundtable discussion at OPTIMIZE to discuss ways to support and strengthen gender balance in tech - especially in leadership roles.


The State of Artificial Intelligence in the Process Industries in 2019

AI remained a hot topic at OPTIMIZE 2019. Watch Lina Liberti discuss how process-heavy businesses are taking advantage of the technology.

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