
Introducing Aspen Unified™

The new release of Aspen Unified represents the next step for industry leaders in their digital transformation by unlocking greater value from current assets, increasing safety and profitability.


Is Good Enough, Good Enough?

A step change in quality or processing time of your final products could be a process change away, but what do you try first? How do you know if this is even an option?


How Organizations Are Changing Enterprise Workflow Management

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a critical need for agile enterprise workflow management solutions like Aspen Enterprise Insights to capture and integrate data across diverse sources and assimilate it into higher-level, aggregated reporting structures for decision-making across the organization.


Keeping Supply Chains Running in Rapidly Changing Conditions

Find out how digital solutions are helping companies keep their workers connected, respond to changes in supply and demand, and incorporate social distancing practices into their plans.


Korean Engineering Firms Step Up to Compete in a Global Market

Korean engineering and construction companies are relying on AspenTech tools for accuracy and agility in responding to their customers.


글로벌 경쟁력 강화에 지속적인 노력을 기울이고 있는 한국의 E&C 기업들

지난 1월말 서울에서 개최된 아스펜테크의 제3회 연례 엔지니어링 위크(Engineering Week)에 참여하면서 저는 한국의 엔지니어링 고객들이 이룬 놀라운 변화를 목격했습니다.


La Evolución del Uso de Modelos en Ingeniería

La verdadera transformación digital requiere un acercamiento preciso y holístico que vea todo el ciclo de vida del activo, involucrando el diseño, la operación y el mantenimiento.


Entrevista con Marco Parada de YPFB Andina

Como supervisor de operaciones de facilidades de los campos de San Alberto y San Antonio, de YPFB Andina. Marco tiene mucha experiencia con Aspen HYSYS y explica por qué los simuladores de procesos son tan importantes para los ingenieros químicos.


Inteligencia artificial y sustentabilidad: Operaciones más seguras, ecológicas e inteligentes

Descubra cómo las soluciones de IA Industrial permiten que las empresas alcancen sus objetivos de sostenibilidad mientras generan una sólida recuperación del capital invertido.


Aspen AIoT Hub Recognized with 2021 Artificial Intelligence Award

The Aspen AIoT Hub has earned a 2021 AI Award from the Business Intelligence Group! The award recognizes our powerful Industrial AI solution.

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