
Aspen Unified™

Aspen Unified是下一代计划和调度解决方案,它使公司能够通过协调孤立的业务流程来提高整个石油价值链的效率,从而增加利润并节省时间。


Aspen Unified™

Aspen Unified es la próxima generación de soluciones de planificación y programación que permite a las empresas incrementar los márgenes y ahorrar tiempo, al coordinar procesos empresariales aislados para una mayor eficiencia a lo largo de la cadena de valor del petróleo.


Best Practices Checklist for Dynamic Studies

Dynamic simulation is a powerful tool for ensuring safety, operability and controllability, but moving models from steady-state to transient can be intimidating for new users. Use this checklist to get started creating a dynamic study from a steady-state flowsheet.


Aspen Utilities OnLine Optimizer

Aspen Utilities OnLine Optimizer is an integrated software solution that enables process plant operators to manage and optimize the way they use and source energy in the power station and across an entire production site. In this brochure you will learn how it enables companies to ensure that all their processes receive reliable supplies, while at the same time minimizing running costs by reducing overall consumption and identifying the most economical sources of supply.


Aspen Batch APC™

Aspen Batch APC™ (Advanced Process Control) is a closed-loop, model-predictive batch control system that improves product quality and yield, and lowers cycle times. It features a built-in optimization engine that predicts end-of-batch quality attributes at key decision points along the batch process. Aspen Batch APC enables manufacturers to improve process stability and product consistency for higher margins with a solution specifically designed for batch processes.

Case Study

Borealis Achieves Faster Run Times and Better Quality Planning Solutions with Aspen PIMS-AO™

Learn how Borealis, a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers, implemented Aspen PIMS-AO to support the optimization team and bring about better decision-making for more profitable results. This case study explores how Borealis achieved dramatically faster run time, employed nonlinear modeling, deployed planning models to a centralized, virtual environment, and eased software deployment time and maintenance with more efficient use of hardware.

Live Webinar

Hybrid Models in Chemicals: Leveraging Industrial AI to Overcome Operational Challenges

A breakthrough innovation, Aspen Hybrid Models™ help chemical companies quickly develop comprehensive, accurate models to address the most complex operational challenges. With the release of aspenONE® V12, Aspen Hybrid Models leverage the power of AI without engineers requiring data science or machine learning expertise—truly democratizing the application of Industrial AI.

Live Webinar

Simplify Batch Process Improvement Using Aspen Plus®

When developing chemical batch processes, we often find ourselves running costly and time-consuming experiments. But what if we could predict process outcomes first, and only experiment when needed? Learn how industry leaders are simplifying batch process development to reduce experimentation, reduce batch cycle times and develop new processes faster. Discover solutions for reliable execution and easy accessibility in chemical R&D!


Live Webinar

Learn how Aspen HYSYS® Can Help You Avoid Compressor Surge

Engineers have to continually look out for conditions that may cause their compressors to operate under surge conditions, especially in non-steady operating conditions such as unit shutdowns. A lack of sufficient expertise in dynamic process simulation raises the risk for many in their ability to accurately predict surge conditions. With the latest innovations in Aspen HYSYS, engineers can easily develop dynamic process simulations, use dynamic models to simulate operations during emergency scenarios and much more!

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