News Article

Raconteur Operational Excellence

Raconteur Operational Excellence

News Article

A model-based approach to chemical manufacturing

A model-based approach to chemical manufacturing

Case Study

Shell Accelerates Planning, Improves Margins with Aspen PIMS-AO™ in the AWS Cloud

Shell Oil Company is a global energy and petrochemicals company that produces natural gas, gasoline, oil, and many bulk and specialty chemical products for customers worldwide. Read this case study to learn how Shell’s Manufacturing Margin Optimization team uses AspenTech solutions and AWS Cloud to optimize its energy and petrochemicals business, including planning and scheduling applications.

Case Study

Ahorre costos con mantenimiento predictivo durante la transformación digital

Lea cómo Aspen Mtell predijo una falla en el compresor con 35 días de anticipación, permitiendo que la empresa de energía evitara una parada de emergencia y cumpliera con las metas de producción. Minimizó las pérdidas de producción planificando la parada de la planta: ahorro potencial de 30 millones de dólares

Case Study

Análisis estadístico multivariable encuentra la causa de un problema de alta viscosidad en el aceite de enfriamiento

Una de las empresas más grandes a nivel mundial para productos químicos, plásticos y de refinación utilizó Aspen ProMV para entender y resolver sus problemas de producción causado por un problema de alta viscosidad en el aceite de enfriamiento. En este caso de estudio conozca cómo Aspen ProMV permitió a la empresa a destacar las principales variables de proceso que están altamente correlacionadas con problemas de viscosidad y que guio rápidamente a los ingenieros de proceso al problema subyacente para limitar las pérdidas.

Case Study

Aspen Mtell® Machine Learning Finds Cause of Compressor Failures at LNG Facility

Read how this LNG facility used Aspen Mtell prescriptive maintenance to provide up to 61 days advance notice of catastrophic compressor failures, preventing an economic loss of more than $40M USD per occurrence. Quick to implement and readily scalable, the solution provided key insights into the root cause of the failures.

Case Study

Aspen Mtell® Machine Learning Finds Cause of Compressor Failures at LNG Facility

Read how this LNG facility used Aspen Mtell prescriptive maintenance to provide up to 61 days advance notice of catastrophic compressor failures, preventing an economic loss of more than $40M USD per occurrence. Quick to implement and readily scalable, the solution provided key insights into the root cause of the failures.

Case Study

Aspen ProMV™ Saves Petrochemical Company Over $1 Million USD in Losses to Flare

A large petrochemical company was seeing incremental loss to flare of more than $1M USD annually. Read how Aspen ProMV was able resolve their issue within 2 days, save $1M per year and prevent future losses.

Case Study

Experienced Engineering Services Provider Achieves Enhanced Productivity in Natural Gas Processing Plant Design

Read how experienced engineering service provider, Bilfinger, has been able to design entire gas processing projects, including new innovations such as acid gas cleaning and relief valve sizing, all within the comprehensive Aspen HYSYS engineering environment, faster and with optimal process selections.

Case Study

Shell Accelerates Planning, Improves Margins with Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud

Shell’s Manufacturing Margin Optimization team uses AspenTech solutions to optimize its energy and petrochemicals business, including planning and scheduling applications. In a highly collaborative global project with AspenTech, Shell successfully deployed Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud resulting in margin uplift, improved work-life balance and reduced IT costs. Read this case study to learn how you can improve margins with Aspen PIMS-AO in the Cloud.

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