On-Demand Webinar

The Journey to the Smart Plant: Make IIoT a Profitable Reality

As companies leverage new technologies on their journey to becoming a smart enterprise, they can maximize existing assets and instrumentation with best practices. Join us to hear IIoT experts Keith Flynn, Aspen Technology and Kevin Nelson, Advantech, discuss how to ensure successful digital transformation projects and profitable results.

On-Demand Webinar

Streamline Concurrent Simulation Scenarios to Solve Problems Faster

Today, it’s more important than ever to perform rigorous optioneering to find the best solutions for improving process efficiency and asset flexibility. In this webinar, AspenTech’s experts will show how the new Aspen Multi-Case™ dramatically accelerates the evaluation of design and operating scenarios, provides visual tools for selecting the best alternatives and improves overall agility and collaboration across the engineering team.

On-Demand Webinar

Streamline Your aspenONE® V12 Deployment

With the recent release of aspenONE V12, companies can now take advantage of new innovations to increase operational excellence by democratizing the application of Industrial AI and leveraging the cloud at enterprise scale. Accelerate the deployment of this breakthrough software and join AspenTech® experts as they share best practices to help you:


On-Demand Webinar

Optimal Methodology for Flare Network Revalidation Reduces CAPEX

Reliable and safe flare network operation, sizing, and revalidation is critical to process safety and to ensure regulatory compliance. During this webinar, Inprocess, a leading engineering consulting group serving companies across the energy and petrochemical industries, will discuss and demonstrate the use of aspenONE® Engineering software to rigorously perform revalidation studies to find capital savings and improve process safety and reliability. Inprocess will show how using AspenTech’s dynamic simulation in combination with Flare Analysis generates a competitive edge.


On-Demand Webinar

Optimize Pipeline Flow and Uptime with Pipe Flow Hydraulic Analysis in Aspen HYSYS®

Aspen HYSYS® Hydraulics for pipeline network modeling allows engineers to analyze flow assurance risks and integrate analysis with process models to optimize from the wellhead through the process facility. This technical webinar will be focused on introducing new users to pipe flow hydraulic analysis. Learn how you can gain pipeline hydraulic insights with an intuitive setup that is powerful, advanced and integrated.

On-Demand Webinar

Improve Capital Project Planning and Performance with Model-Based Estimating featuring Harvey Welker

In today’s business environment, shaving capital costs from upstream and midstream projects is critical. With the right estimating system, EPCs and owners can reduce project risk by identifying engineering challenges at the earliest stages of a project. In this webinar, estimating consultant Harvey Welker will describe how some of the world’s leading owner operators have avoided millions of dollars in engineering mistakes and cost overruns using a model-based estimating approach.

On-Demand Webinar

Improve Collaboration on Estimates Early in Your Project

Set yourself up for success with better estimating earlier in the bidding process. Hear how estimators and process engineers are collaborating to automate handoffs and run a higher volume of scenarios for more accurate estimates.

On-Demand Webinar

Improve Your Process Engineering Business Processes in Lean Times

See how AspenTech can help you achieve better project execution and collaboration with improved work flows and integration. Webinar presented by Vikas Dhole, John Wylie and Ron Beck.

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