
InProcess Saves Clients CAPEX and Improves Designs with Safety Solutions

A customer case study of the use of Aspen HYSYS, PSV in Aspen HYSYS, dynamic modeling and flare to achieve lower CAPEX solutions and rapidly conduct safety studies for refining.


Integrated CDU & Preheat Train Optimization

A refinery’s success is dependent on how well it optimizes the operation of its Crude Distillation Unit or CDU. AspenTech offers a single integrated solution that helps refiners optimize the entire CDU by providing deep insight into the hydraulic operations of their distillation columns, the fouling levels of heat exchangers and the operational impact from processing new crude. Watch now to learn more.


Introducing Aspen Enterprise Insights

What if all your data could easily provide strategic insights to your users across your entire enterprise? That's Aspen Enterprise insights, the first hybrid cloud visualization and workflow management solution that brings new levels of performance to operations and capital projects.





Aspen Mtell and the Industrial Internet of Things

Learn how Aspen Mtell connects big data and prescriptive maintenance to deliver IIoT solutions.


Aspen Mtell: Prescriptive Maintenance for the Transportation Industry

See how Aspen Mtell prescriptive maintenance prevents catastrophic diesel engine failures.


Aspen Mtell for Food & Beverage: What is an Agent?

Aspen Mtell is a prescriptive maintenance solution that uses Agents to recognize asset failures earlier and with greater accuracy. Learn what an Agent is, what they do, how they are created, and how they work—to help you put an end to unplanned downtime and achieve your production goals.


Aspen Mtell for Metals & Mining: What is an Agent?

Aspen Mtell is a prescriptive maintenance solution that uses Agents to recognize asset failures earlier and with greater accuracy. View this video to learn what an Agent is, what they do, how they are created and how they work—to safeguard equipment, people and the environment.


Aspen Mtell para Minería y Metales: ¿Qué es un agente?

Aspen Mtell® es una solución de mantenimiento prescriptivo que utiliza agentes para reconocer fallas de activos con anticipación y con mayor precisión que otras herramientas. Conozca cómo trabajan los agentes para la industria de minería y metales: vea lo que hacen, cómo se crean y cómo protegen a los equipos, las personas y al medio ambiente.


Transfer Learning with Aspen Mtell

Understand how Aspen Mtell’s Autonomous Agents share failure signatures across similar assets, enabling rapid time to value.

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