
Digital transformation necessitates change for EPC firms

Download this article featured in EPC World, to learn how digital transformation is pushing EPC firms to tap into Industry 4.0 principles to automate their workflows, reduce engineering man-hours and collaborate globally.


How AI Helps Boost Mining Safety And Profitability

Predictive technologies are taking the mining world by storm, providing new insights to help companies avoid dangerous situations and costly mistakes.


How Data Reveals the Culprits Impacting Food Production Quality

For food and beverage companies, quality mishaps during production can mean more than a literal poor taste in a customer's mouth. In addition to the potential impact on consumer safety, quality lapses can slow down production and result in money down the drain.






Improve Refinery Margins Using a Refinery-wide Process Model

See how you can use Aspen Technology solutions to develop a refinery wide process model that would enable refinery process engineers to evaluate the economic impact of operational changes and help planners achieve a more accurate assessment of profit margins.


Industrial Data is a Goldmine Building a Sustainable System of Success

To achieve operational excellence, process manufacturers must quickly and systematically address the root causes of asset reliability problems, which include inadequate operating procedures, poor design, and improper scheduling of production.


The LNG Market Needs Digital Disruption

As operators seek ongoing investment and replacement of assets for the stability of hydrocarbon markets, what is next in LNG and beyond? How do firms rise to the top of the class in terms of returns on exploration investment, instead of bottom of the barrel? This article talks about how Industry leaders bring all aspects of an asset development into concurrency—from exploration to reservoir studies to engineering design to construction and operation—and the use of digitalization, technology and big data.


The Northern Miner - AspenTech Reduces Downtime for Mining Equipment

In today’s market, thriving in the mining industry means exploring new strategies for growth in the digital transformation era. Mining executives are seeking leading experts to help mitigate risk and lower cost. The Northern Miner recently sat down with AspenTech to discuss best practices of how a true machine learning solution has the power to transform mining.


HP Article: When Digital Transformation Hits all Four Sustainability Buckets

Sustainability is emerging as a critical business topic, as companies focus resources toward lowering emissions, waste and energy use in their production process. In this article, Paige Morse, Chemicals Industry Marketing Director, shares how sustainability affects four key areas within a processing plant and how digital transformation supports sustainability efforts through efficiency improvements.

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