
Collaboration and a Connected World: ARC Forum

Discussion over Days 2 and 3 focused on how cross-functional coordination can yield the best results when it comes to digital transformation.


Cognitive Guidance as Your Co-Pilot

AI and machine learning can deliver great value to the process industries—if readily available and properly rolled out to the workforce.


Collaboration in the Chemicals Supply Chain

When chemical companies align planning, operations and supply chain, margins and agility improve.


Column Analysis: The Inside Story

We all want the inside story. Column hydraulic analysis offers engineers a view into column performance to improve design and operational efficiency.


The Story Behind the Story: A Personal Look at OPTIMIZE 2021 Day One

Ron Beck shares his observations on OPTIMIZE 2021 Day One and takes a look back at memorable sessions from OPTIMIZE 2013..

White Paper

Use Advanced Simulation to Improve Processes Involving Solids

Whether particles are being formed, reduced in size, enlarged, participating in reactions, or just being separated from a fluid stream, ignoring or poorly modeling the solids processing steps may lead to lost opportunities, including cost reductions and quality improvements. The main challenges that arise when optimizing or troubleshooting a solids process include inefficient designs due to separate modeling of fluids and solids sections, overdesign of equipment, high-energy demands, reduced yields and quality variability. Modeling the solids section of a process is important for many common processes including specialty chemicals, agrochemicals, metals and mining, pharmaceuticals, biofuels and more. This paper describes the approach for incorporating granular solids and the corresponding solids processing steps when modeling processes.

White Paper

Maximice la efectividad de sus equipos mineros y minimice las pérdidas de beneficios

Las compañías mineras invierten fuertemente en activos para todas las etapas del proceso minero: extracción, procesamiento, refinería y distribución del mineral. Al monitorear la condición y el comportamiento de los activos y desarrollar perfiles de operaciones normales, anomalías y fallas, las herramientas de mantenimiento predictivo pueden notificar al personal sobre los problemas del equipo antes de que ocurra falla. Este documento describe cómo el mantenimiento predictivo proporciona a las organizaciones mineras la inteligencia necesaria para:

White Paper

Optimize Refining Operations Using Plant Digital Twin Based on Molecular Modeling

Finding ways to use petroleum resources while meeting the increasing demand for high-quality products and environmental regulations is one of the key challenges faced by the refining industry.

White Paper

Right Details at the Right Time

When delivering an estimate on time and on budget, learn why it is important to focus on the components that matter most.

White Paper

White Paper: Seeing Into the Future With Prescriptive Analytics

Discover how to predict equipment breakdowns and perform prescriptive maintenance using a new approach to asset performance management. In this white paper, learn how nine early adopters of prescriptive analytics have reduced unplanned downtime and improved asset reliability. Download the paper to read real stories about the bottom-line results that have been achieved—in as little as 2 ½ weeks.

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