On-Demand Webinar

Model Distillation Unit Operations with a Rate-based Approach

Frustrated designing your column or understanding how process changes will affect your distillation unit operations? Many non-ideal distillation systems cannot be modeled accurately with equilibrium-based modeling. Rate-based modeling provides a more rigorous modeling approach for complex systems. Once tuned, rate-based models can yield better predictions at extrapolated operation conditions.


Digitalization is the Next Step in Chemicals Excellence

Digital technologies offer significant opportunity for improved quality and cost savings across the chemicals industry by enabling more efficient design, operation, and maintenance of assets throughout their lifecycle. However, many chemical companies are still in the early stages of understanding how such opportunities can be applied effectively to their business. This article highlights how top companies are using data to drive business and operational decisions, and are progressing with their own transformation to the next level of performance and operational excellence.


Chinese Customers Earn the First Aspen Associate User Certifications

AspenTech recently delivered the company’s first two-day certification preparation training on Aspen HYSYS and awarded user certifications.


Gas Compression Analysis- Application Overview

Compressors are process specific and typically custom-manufactured making them expensive and difficult to replace. With dynamic gas compression analysis, you can optimize compression without risking failure. Aspen HYSYS Dynamics is a proven tool for analyzing reciprocating, centrifugal and screw compressors. With activated dynamics in Aspen HYSYS, you have access to accessible and accurate analysis. Learn more.

On-Demand Webinar

Learn how Aspen HYSYS® Can Help You Avoid Compressor Surge

Engineers have to continually look out for conditions that may cause their compressors to operate under surge conditions, especially in non-steady operating conditions such as unit shutdowns. A lack of sufficient expertise in dynamic process simulation raises the risk for many in their ability to accurately predict surge conditions. With the latest innovations in Aspen HYSYS, engineers can easily develop dynamic process simulations, use dynamic models to simulate operations during emergency scenarios and much more!

White Paper

Dehydration with Aspen HYSYS: Validation of the CPA Property Package

Dehydration units are often overdesigned, resulting in high capital or operating costs. In order to ensure design options meet the necessary requirements of saving capital, solvent or energy costs, thermodynamic modeling and a holistic view of operations is needed. This paper discusses the dehydration modeling technology available with Aspen HYSYS in V10 and above. Aspen HYSYS has historically employed the glycol property package for TEG. With the addition of the Cubic-Plus-Association (CPA) package in V10, Aspen HYSYS can be used to model dehydration with TEG, MEG and DEG.

Top 10 Questions About Acid Gas Removal Optimization With Aspen HYSYS®

This document contains the frequently asked questions on how you can use Aspen HYSYS to optimize acid gas removal. Initially released in Aspen HYSYS V8.3, the new Acid Gas technology has grown with subsequent releases. We hope you find this information useful.


IIoT Platforms Are Today's Data Warehouses

Realistically, isn’t the IIoT platform today’s incarnation of the data warehouse? Be wary of taking on an IIoT project without a clear business need.


Want Accurate Insight into Heat Exchanger Fouling Levels?

Leverage new technology to develop optimal heat exchanger cleaning schedules that save money and maximize throughput.


Collaboration and a Connected World: ARC Forum

Discussion over Days 2 and 3 focused on how cross-functional coordination can yield the best results when it comes to digital transformation.

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