Case Study

Leaks in Reboiler Detected With Months of Advance Notice

Learn how a manufacturer of engineering thermoplastics discovered the root cause of recurring failures in their shell-and-tube reboilers using Aspen Mtell prescriptive maintenance.

Case Study

Detección de fugas en el rehervidor con meses de anticipación

Descubra cómo un fabricante de termoplásticos de ingeniería descubrió la causa raíz de fallas recurrentes en sus calderas de tubos y calderas utilizando el mantenimiento prescriptivo de Aspen Mtell.


Looking into the Future of Energy: CERAWeek 2019

AspenTech's CMO shares insight on navigating the complex shifts facing energy from global industry leaders and policy makers.

Press Release

Aspen Technology to Present at the Berenberg Design Software Conference USA 2019

Aspen Technology to Present at the Berenberg Design Software Conference USA 2019


Exploring Digitalization in South Africa

Leaders in asset-intensive industries across South Africa gathered to discuss the impact of digitalization.


Optimize Wind and Solar Operations and Maintenance

Wind and solar farms must have prescriptive analytics to effectively operate and maintain optimal performance. Learn how you can reduce unplanned downtime and increase profitability at remote sites.


How a Balanced Workforce Delivers Business Value

In honor of International Women’s Day 2019, we look at how gender parity benefits businesses and what #balanceforbetter really means.


Learn how AspenTech Solutions Helped Fix Operational Issues with a Major Refiner's CDU

Learn how a major Middle East Refinery used AspenTech solutions to address operational issues with their crude distillation unit (CDU). This video highlights how the detailed hydraulic analysis capability in Aspen HYSYS, along with its seamless integration with the heat exchanger design & rating software Aspen EDR, helped the refinery troubleshoot a challenging operational issue with their CDU.



2019年1月15至16日,艾斯本公司在北京成功举办Aspen HYSYS® 软件在中国的首次用户认证培训,并于17日开展认证考试,共有69名来自中国某重要客户的工程师参与此次认证考试。 艾斯本用户认证为客户提供了一种标准的、结构化的方法,帮助客户衡量自己的专业能力并设定学习目标。该认证结合了行业的和标准化考试的最佳实践,由艾斯本专家设计而来。


Korean Engineering Firms Step Up to Compete in a Global Market

Korean engineering and construction companies are relying on AspenTech tools for accuracy and agility in responding to their customers.

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