News Article

Digital transformation is the driver for change in EPC

Thought leadership article by Paul Donnelly

On-Demand Webinar

On-Demand Webinar: Adapt to New Operating Conditions with AspenTech's Industry Leading APC Technology

Significant changes in market demand are requiring many companies to make sharp load and product mix adjustments while operating with remote staff. Now more than ever, process plants need robust and adaptive process control technology to allow for safe, agile management of changing conditions. Join AspenTech experts to learn how Aspen DMC3 enables you to:

On-Demand Webinar

Realice análisis de costos relativos desde un simulador

Cuando se está en la fase de desarrollo del proceso el comprender las consecuencias económicas de las decisiones generalmente requiere que un ingeniero de proceso y un estimador pasen las hojas de datos y las condiciones de proceso de un lado a otro. Con Activated Economics puede obtener las aproximaciones económicas inmediatamente mientras construye la configuración de su proceso sin necesidad de cambiar entre distintos programas de software.

Executive Brief

Improve Engineering Efficiency and Boost Operating Margins With Digital Excellence Solutions

The process industries are now more than ever being reshaped through digital initiatives, with the intent to become more proficient in designing, building and operating process plants. In this executive brief, read how AspenTech and Hexagon are working together to help engineering firms and plant owners realize their digitalization journey.


Solución a cuellos de botella en la producción de gas usando un gemelo digital

Conozca cómo YPFB Andina integró y optimizó su producción en Upstream de gas usando un gemelo digital


サプライチェーンの構造的転換がついに始まった — 変化を感じましたか?

サプライチェーンはかつてないほどの課題に直面しています。 Roch Gauthierが、サプライチェーン機能とビジネスプロセスの重要性について学んだことを共有します。


A Supply Chain Tectonic Shift Just Happened – Did You Feel It?

Supply chains are being tested as never before. Roch Gauthier shares what he has learned about the importance of certain supply chain capabilities and business processes.

On-Demand Webinar

Managing Change, Optimizing Performance through Digitalization

As the energy industry continues to be challenged by a volatile global market, there are steps companies can take now to adapt to evolving demands, maximize margins and improve sustainability. Join industry leaders Saras and MOL Group as they detail recent projects where innovations in digital twin technology, predictive analytics and prescriptive maintenance delivered measurable, strategic value for both the short and long term. Topics include:

White Paper

Six Keys to Building Resilience, Agility and Recovery for the Chemical Industry

In the current extreme VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment, chemical producers are learning the importance of operating with insight and agility. At the same time, companies are being tested for the depth of their resilience, and learning how to navigate huge shifts in demand, supply, workforce and economics, and emerge from this crisis in a stronger position.


Competindo em um Novo Cenário Global

Vivemos e trabalhamos em um mundo cada vez mais volátil, incerto, complexo e ambíguo. A indústria da energia e do petróleo, em particular, encontra-se em um ponto de transição e a sociedade questiona sua abilidade para operar. Veja o vídeo com ao presidente e CEO da AspenTech, Antonio Pietri, onde ele compartilha como as tecnologias avançadas estão revelando insights e criando novas oportunidades para criação de valor e crescimento, mesmo nas mais desafiadoras condições de negócios

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