On-Demand Webinar

Prevent Unplanned Downtime with Prescriptive Maintenance

With current shortages in on-site staffing, many companies struggle to prevent unexpected breakdowns. AI and machine learning technology leverage precise pattern recognition from manufacturing assets to provide weeks, or even months, of advanced warning on imminent degradation and failures.


Cómo sobreponerse a momentos críticos y adaptarse con su estrategia de digitalización

Las herramientas digitales pueden equipar a las empresas para responder a cambios sin precedentes. Conozca cómo la digitalización puede aumentar la resiliencia.

White Paper

Four Keys to Agility and Resilience for EPCs

Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) firms with a large presence in the process industries are preparing for a major disruption to their business. The now inevitable scaling back, delaying or cancelling of projects will have a tremendous effect on these companies. A top priority for EPCs, which typically operate on very thin margins and own few assets, will be preserving cash.

Executive Brief

Executive Brief: EPC Perspectives - Generating New Revenue Streams from Plant Operations & Maintenance

This executive brief highlights the results of a recent survey conducted with Oil & Gas Journal on how EPC firms are pursuing new sources of revenue from the operations and maintenance phases of a project lifecycle.

White Paper

Six Keys to Building Resilience, Agility and Recovery for the Chemical Industry

In the current extreme VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment, chemical producers are learning the importance of operating with insight and agility. At the same time, companies are being tested for the depth of their resilience, and learning how to navigate huge shifts in demand, supply, workforce and economics, and emerge from this crisis in a stronger position.

White Paper

Five Keys to Agility and Resilience through Digitalization for Upstream Oil and Gas

The upstream oil and gas sector has faced a variety of challenges such as unpredictable oil prices, changing patterns of demand and ensuring safe working conditions at remote sites. Accelerated digitalization programs, particularly those that include digital twin technology, can provide agility and resilience to better handle future market uncertainty and lay the foundation for longer term competitive advantage.


Does AI Need to Explain Itself?

As machines make more and more decisions, one obvious question needs to be answered: Are their decisions reliable?

On-Demand Webinar

Analyze and Respond to Changing Refinery Conditions in the “New Normal”

Refineries are tasked with finding better ways to navigate today’s extremely disruptive environment. Many companies are operating under a “new normal”, characterized by extremely volatile markets, a depressed demand for products and a non-essential staff working remotely. In this on-demand webinar AspenTech experts share best practices to help you:

On-Demand Webinar

Webinar con YPFB: Cómo optimizar la producción de upstream utilizando un gemelo digital

YPFB es la petrolera nacional de Bolivia y es un productor clave en la producción de gas en Sudamérica. Su producción empezó a disminuir drásticamente en dos de sus principales campos de gas en Bolivia por lo tanto YPFB necesitaba superar este problema para cumplir con sus obligaciones contractuales. En este webinar aprenda cómo utilizaron un gemelo digital de Aspen HYSYS para solucionar los cuellos de botella de su planta, ductos y estaciones de compresión lo que les permitió:


Building Resiliency, Agility and Recovery for the Chemical Industry

Economic, workforce and production transitions for chemical industry

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