White Paper

Four Keys to Agility and Resilience for EPCs

Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) firms with a large presence in the process industries are preparing for a major disruption to their business. The now inevitable scaling back, delaying or cancelling of projects will have a tremendous effect on these companies. A top priority for EPCs, which typically operate on very thin margins and own few assets, will be preserving cash.


Transmission Management Systems

Transmission owners and operators today face new challenges due to stringent regulatory mandates, system security concerns and inherent capacity limitations in the face of increased transfer demands.


Aspen Hybrid Models: The Next Generation of Process Simulation Technology

Aspen Hybrid Models promise a new generation of innovative process modeling. Learn why, and how this will change the course of the chemical and hydrocarbon industry.


Aspen Hybrid Models: Solving Immediate and Long-Term Challenges

Companies today face growing pressure to be agile and increase productivity. Technology that is novel today will become the backbone of day-to-day manufacturing in the future.

Press Release

Aspen Technology Delivers New Industrial AI Solutions to Accelerate the Journey to the Self-Optimizing Plant

Aspen Technology Delivers New Industrial AI Solutions to Accelerate the Journey

Interactive Infographic

Top Five Things to Know About Hybrid Models

What is a Hybrid Model and what does it do? In this infographic you will be guided through "The Top Five Things to Know About Hybrid Models." Learn how Industrial AI-powered hybrid modeling dramatically improves the Design, Operation and Maintenance of plants to accelerate your profit, safety and sustainability goals.

FAQ Document

Aspen Hybrid Models™ Webinar Q&A

Aspen Hybrid Models combine AI and first principles to deliver a comprehensive, accurate model more quickly without requiring significant expertise. AspenTech® is uniquely positioned to leverage over 40 years of domain expertise to make AI applicable to the process industries. This next generation of solutions will democratize the application of AI with Aspen Hybrid Models to optimally design, operate and maintain assets—online and at the edge.

FAQ Document

Aspen Hybrid Models™

Aspen Hybrid Models combine AI and first principles to deliver a comprehensive, accurate model more quickly without requiring significant expertise. AspenTech® is uniquely positioned to leverage over 40 years of domain expertise to make AI applicable to the process industries. This next generation of solutions will democratize the application of AI with Aspen Hybrid Models to optimally design, operate and maintain assets—online and at the edge.

On-Demand Webinar

Hybrid Models in Chemicals: Leveraging Industrial AI to Overcome Operational Challenges

A breakthrough innovation, Aspen Hybrid Models™ help chemical companies quickly develop comprehensive, accurate models to address the most complex operational challenges. With the release of aspenONE® V12, Aspen Hybrid Models leverage the power of AI without engineers requiring data science or machine learning expertise—truly democratizing the application of industrial AI.


Advanced Distribution Management Systems

Electrical distribution system operators face an increasing set of demands and expectations from customers, regulators and public officials to improve safety, reliability and efficiency of the distribution system while providing timely and reliable data about power system conditions and power outages.

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