On-Demand Webinar

Reduce Energy Costs by Modeling the Entire Polymer Process with Aspen Plus® V8.8

In this webinar, learn how to reduce energy costs by modeling your entire polymer process plant with Aspen Plus V8.8.

Press Release

Aspen Technology to Participate in Panel Discussion at the Berenberg Design Software Conference USA 2018

AspenTech to Participate in Panel Discussion at the Berenberg Design Software Conference USA 2018

Jump Start

How to Optimize the Disposal System With Staggered Analysis Using BLOWDOWN™ Technology

In this guide, you will be introduced to the tools in BLOWDOWN that can be used to perform staggered blowdown analysis. You will configure a simple analysis by using the Staggered Analysis tool, as well as a rigorous analysis using the Multi-Vessel Template.

White Paper

Validation of BLOWDOWN Technology in Aspen HYSYS

See how the results of BLOWDOWN Technology in Aspen HYSYS compare with published results.

White Paper

A Study of Terrain-Induced Slugging in Pipelines Using Aspen Hydraulics Within Aspen HYSYS Upstream

Terrain-induced slugging can cause damage to processing equipment, but predicting slug volumes for sizing slugcatchers is challenging. Learn how Aspen HYSYS can be used to predict slug volumes due to terrain-induced slugging.  

White Paper

An Integrated Approach to Pipeline Modeling in a Gathering and Production System

Learn how you can eliminate the need to employ separate third-party tools for pipeline hydraulics by modeling the entire gathering and production system (be it offshore, onshore, topside, etc.) within one tool. Using this new pipeline hydraulics modeling capability, you can optimize the design from a capital and energy perspective, and also ensure the overall safety of the system.

On-Demand Webinar

Quick and Easy Batch Modeling within Aspen Plus®

Learn how batch processing industries can take advantage of new batch modeling capabilities within Aspen Plus to guide experimentation and streamline new process development. Filippo Dama, senior product manager at AspenTech, demonstrates how you can accelerate process design, facilitate collaboration and reduce the time to market for new products.

Live Webinar

Simplify Batch Process Improvement Using Aspen Plus®

When developing chemical batch processes, we often find ourselves running costly and time-consuming experiments. But what if we could predict process outcomes first, and only experiment when needed? Learn how industry leaders are simplifying batch process development to reduce experimentation, reduce batch cycle times and develop new processes faster. Discover solutions for reliable execution and easy accessibility in chemical R&D!

On-Demand Webinar

Uncover Hidden Value with Advanced Solution Analysis in Aspen PIMS-AO

While many companies are using PIMS-AO for its performance (parallel processing), solution quality (avoid local optima) and higher model accuracy (non-linear modelling), each one of the Advanced Solution features can deliver significant benefits – boosting your bottom line. Tap into even more benefits with PIMS-AO’s Advanced Solution Features. Join us and see real-world examples of common business processes such as feedstock selection and operational planning.


Technology Convergence Comes to a "Tipping Point"

At CERAWeek 2018, we'll be exploring how advancements such as machine learning are helping energy companies achieve asset optimization and maximize profitability.

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