
Aspen Enterprise Insights™

Aspen Enterprise Insightsは、柔軟なエンタープライズ視覚化およびワークフロー管理ソリューションを備えた独自のハイブリッドクラウドベースのソフトウェア製品であり、企業全体にリアルタイムの意思決定支援を提供します。 このパンフレットでは、大手企業がAspen Enterprise Insightsを使って、年間1,000万ドルもの増益を実現し、プロジェクトレポートで75%のコストと労力を削減した事例についてご紹介します。


Aspen Enterprise Insights

Aspen Enterprise Insights es un producto único de software híbrido basado en la nube que cuenta con una visualización empresarial flexible y una solución de gestión de flujos de trabajo, el cual ofrece soporte a decisiones en tiempo real a lo largo de su compañía. Descargue este brochure para conocer cómo Aspen Enterprise Insights está ayudando a las compañías a incrementar sus márgenes en $10 millones de USD por año y a ahorrar costos y esfuerzos en informes de proyectos por un 75%.


The Evolution of Performance Engineering

Leading organizations are connecting process engineering simulations to plant data, creating a “digital twin” model that can calibrate autonomously and continuously.

On-Demand Webinar


在网络研讨会时,我们的专家深入研究了加氢裂化反应器模型的优势,在Aspen HYSYS V11中提供了基于分子的反应器建模工作流程的演示,并成功解释了AspenTech基于分子的反应器模型的成功客户案例研究。提交表格立即观看网络研讨会重播。

On-Demand Webinar

On-Demand Webinar: Learn How to Develop a High-Fidelity Digital Twin of Your Hydrocracker Unit

Right when most refineries are preparing to meet the new IMO regulations on sulfur emissions, AspenTech launched the molecule-based hydrocracker simulation model in Aspen HYSYS V11. This model computes reaction kinetics at the molecular level, significantly enhancing prediction accuracy. View this webinar and learn from our experts how you can use this hydrocracker reactor model to gain enhanced accuracy in predicting product yields and properties, insights into product properties such as amount of sulfur species and much more! Discover how you can leverage this latest technological innovation to make better operational decisions.

News Article

Forget The Unicorns; This Is The Tech Company For Your Portfolio

Motley Fool-Forget The Unicorns-This Is The Tech Company For Your Portfolio


Managing Risk to Thrive in the Engineering Evolution

EPCs need to focus on three areas of risk to meet their goals: project execution, process design and cost estimation. Find out how digital technologies can help.

On-Demand Webinar

Melhore a Performance da Planta com Visualização em Tempo Real nas Suas Operações

Sistemas de Execução de Produção fornecem a maneira mais fácil e eficaz de acessar e analisar as informações do historiador de processo. As empresas líderes confiam em plataformas de visualização de dados inovadoras para exibir dados de tags, visualizar telas e analisar a performance de planta.

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