Press Release

Three Strategies for Navigating the IT-OT Convergence Strategy

Dataversity-Three Strategies for Navigating the IT-OT Convergence Strategy


Global Oil and Gas Post-COVID: The Dawn of a New Age

COVID-19 has pressed the green accelerator as part of its impact on oil and gas producers. Technology will open new frontiers to enable the industry to emerge leaner, stronger and greener.

On-Demand Webinar

Investigue y diagnostique eventos rápidamente con Aspen Event Analytics ™

Los eventos inesperados pueden perturbar las operaciones y crear problemas prolongados de calidad y seguridad. Los operadores de primera línea pueden estar mal equipados con las herramientas o habilidades para analizar y rectificar rápidamente las perturbaciones. Afortunadamente, las nuevas aplicaciones de IA industrial ofrecen análisis y visualizaciones avanzadas para ayudar a los equipos a actuar rápidamente.

On-Demand Webinar

On-Demand Webinar: Investigate and Diagnose Events More Rapidly with Aspen Event Analytics™

Unexpected events can disrupt operations and create prolonged quality and safety issues. Front-line operators may be ill-equipped with the skills or tools to quickly analyze and rectify disturbances. Fortunately, new Industrial AI applications deliver advanced analysis and visualizations to help teams take action quickly.


Aspen AIoT Hub Recognized with 2021 Artificial Intelligence Award

The Aspen AIoT Hub has earned a 2021 AI Award from the Business Intelligence Group! The award recognizes our powerful Industrial AI solution.


Picking the Brain of an Industrial AI Data Architect About AIoT

At AspenTech, we continue to hear that the need for Industrial AI has never been more urgent. Fred Bastien from Aspen’s AIoT team agrees. Read on.





Nos vemos en OPTIMIZE 2021

Antonio Pietri, CEO de AspenTech, fue entrevistado por Denise Staubach, VP de Programas de Mercadotecnia, sobre OPTIMIZE 2021, IA Industrial, sustentabilidad y la Planta Auto-Optimizable.


Managing Reinvention: The Oil & Gas Industry's Challenge Post-COVID

This report, written by Dr. Carole Nakhle, CEO of Crystol Energy, discusses the findings of a survey assessing the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the global energy industry. The survey, a collaboration between Crystol Energy and AspenTech, was completed in November 2020. Download this comprehensive and informative report to learn more about the survey's key findings.


Convergence of AI & lloT: Accelerate your Industrial Digital Transformation

At CERAWeek 2021, Bill Scudder, Senior Vice President and GM of AIoT Solutions at Aspen Technology, discussed the convergence of AI and IIoT into a new paradigm: The Artificial Intelligence of Things or AIoT. He described how a variety of market forces are putting increased pressure on operators to improve their operational efficiency. These forces include economic, sustainability, workforce and technology. Bill illustrated how industrial AI is defined by three domains, software at scale, data science/AI and domain expertise, and that, to be successful, Industrial AI solutions need to encompass all three domains. Finally, Bill introduced the vision of the Self-Optimizing Plant and the necessity of robust Industrial AI infrastructure to support it.

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