
S'épanouir dans la "Nouvelle Normalité" Nécessite une Usine Auto-Optimisée

Nous entendons beaucoup parler de la "nouvelle normalité" et de ce que cela impliquera, mais le fait est que nous ne savons pas vraiment à quoi ressemblera cette prochaine phase. Elle est encore définie par les conditions sanitaires mondiales, la politique internationale, l'évolution des réglementations et la situation générale de l'économie. C'est une grande incertitude qui nous assaille à grande échelle.


Успешное развитие в условиях «новой нормальности» требует Самооптимизирующихся предприятий

Последнее время, мы много слышим о "новой нормальности" и о том, к чему она приведет, но на самом деле мы точно не знаем, каким будет следующий этап. Будущее по-прежнему будут определять мировые санитарно-эпидемиологические условия, международная политика, изменения в нормативно-правовых актах и общее состояние экономики. Слишком много неизвестных, с которыми мы столкнемся в глобальном масштабе.


Thriving in the "New Normal" Requires the Self-Optimizing Plant

Giving your operation greater resilience, flexibility and agility has never been more important. Achieve it all by creating the Self-Optimizing Plant, which combines AI, industry-specific models and domain expertise to deliver new levels of performance.


A New Era in Industrial AI

In 2020, the energy industry will get serious about applying digitalization to create agile organizations that can navigate the coming energy transition.

On-Demand Webinar

On-Demand Webinar - Taming the Lion: Improving Plant Operations through Inferential Modeling featuring Dow Chemical

Widely used in various chemical manufacturing processes, inferential property models enable improved control by providing estimated properties in real-time. During this webinar, one of Dow Chemical’s APC engineers will discuss the practical application of inferential models as feed forwards in Aspen DMCplus® to manage the inventory of a reactor where the composition and flows into the recycle feed change over time.

On-Demand Webinar

TOTAL Mitigates Corrosion while Maximizing Benefits with Advanced Process Control

In this webinar, Sebastien Osta, APC Specialist at TOTAL, explains how TOTAL used AspenTech’s APC solution to control corrosion mechanism in real time using Aspen IQ and advanced process control, increase process equipment run-length, and bring benefits of $2M -$9M USD per year by reducing overhead CDU temperature.


Digital Technologies That Are Transforming the Process Industries

This blog is the first in a series focusing on those digital technologies that are helping provide the process industries with more efficient, safer, profitable and sustainable operations.


ARC Strategy Report: The Sustainability Future for Energy and Chemicals

ARC Advisory Group conducted research to gain a better understanding of the current state of sustainability and “green initiatives” in the chemical and energy industries. Research showed that:


Preparing for the Sustainability Future for Chemicals and Energy

Some insightful takeaways from the recent ARC Strategies report indicating global industry leaders are focused on achieving sustainability targets via digital transformation.

On-Demand Webinar

Leveraging the Digital Twin to Transform Mining Operations

What exactly is a Digital Twin in Mining and how do you build one to effectively create value for your business? Join Mining Magazine and AspenTech to learn how Asset Performance Management solutions leverage Digital Twin technology to drive strategic improvements to today’s mining operations.

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