White Paper

Optimize Refining Operations Using Plant Digital Twin Based on Molecular Modeling

Finding ways to use petroleum resources while meeting the increasing demand for high-quality products and environmental regulations is one of the key challenges faced by the refining industry.


How Asia Pacific Can Thrive in Tomorrow's World: The Promise of Industrial AI

Sustainability, business agility and resource efficiency will be key to organizations in Asia Pacific as advanced process manufacturing solutions accelerate their digital transformation.


Extending Availability with Existing Resources without Risking Reliability

Top industry performers deploy more effective maintenance strategies, supported by technology, resources and continuous optimization to keep assets performing high on the P-F curve and delivering business value.


Chemicals' Challenges on the Way to a Circular Economy

Solutions that address the challenge of the circular economy exact particular demands for the chemical industry. Products and processes must be redesigned to cut emissions and waste and extend material use systems.

Press Release

Aspen Technology, L&T Technology Services Partner to Deliver Engineering Solutions Through Managed Cloud Hosting Services

Aspen Technology LandT Technology Services Partner to Deliver Engineering Solutions


Considerations for a Mine Maintenance Program

The era of the intelligent mine is here and the maintenance department of the future will use insight to improve its decision-making ability based on data.


A New Era

Recent global volatility and uncertainty have asset intensive industries facing a new era - and the ability to react and recover is evolving. Read this blog for insights into preparing a new path towards building future resilience.


Navigating Europe's Energy Transition

Recently, we hosted an executive conversation in Europe on digital strategies to navigate today’s energy transition. Hear what companies like MOL Group had to say on this subject.


Key Considerations for Deploying MES in the Cloud

Cloud computing offers many advantages and is often viewed as a panacea by corporate IT groups, but is it an appropriate platform for running your mission-critical manufacturing execution system?


Three Types of Machine Learning Unleash the Power of Data

Find out how to create maximum business impact by choosing the method of machine learning that best fits your operation.

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